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Showing posts from January, 2016

The King is Dead, Long Live the King as The Force Awakens

I have never been a great fan of the Star Wars Fanchisee.  However, I must admit that I have seen all the six episodes either on DVD or on Theatres, sometimes accompanying my friends, or at other times, watching these movies when I had nothing better to do.  I must also admit that the First three Star Wars trilogies (surprisingly, they are numbered as Episode 4, 5, 6), as the following editions were prequels.  If I think I am confusing anyone here, then here is the chronological list of full six episodes of Star Wars which were released prior to this 2015 edition.  (a)          Star Wars (b)          Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back (c)           Star Wars – The Return of the Jedi (d)          Star Wars – The Phantom Menace (Episode I) (e)          Star Wars – Attack of the Clones (Episode II) (f)           Star Wars – The Revenge of the Sith (Episode III).  Anyways, I must admit that the initial three versions of the movie were a real fun, with George Lucas dire